ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2015, ISO 14001:2015,ISO 29990:2010, HACCP, ISO 20000, ISO 27001(ISMS), ISO 9001, HACCP Certification, SA 8000, ISO 27001 Certification Consultant India.

Unizen Certification Services +91-7052588880

What is ISO organization?

ISO Organization: ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization, was founded in February 1947 at Headquarter in Geneva (Switzerland). ISO is an independent, Non Govt. Organization, Non Profitable organization that develops and publishes various ISO standards to meet out the requirement of various industries across the world related to their products and services. ISO standards are accepted worldwide and work as a bridge between Organization and public and ensure that the products and services are safe, reliable and to use in term of quality and safety. ISO has three official languages: English, French and Russian. ISO organization publishes various standard with updated principles for various organization to ensure safety, quality and efficiency. ISO standard is intended to help an organization to develop work culture in managed way, efficient and customer focused.